Opening day
Submission deadline
URAI Main Track
URAI is looking for original research contributions in the field of applied artificial intelligence, machine learning and data analysis.
Review Process. As in previous years, URAI 24 will follow a two stage process for paper submission:
First, authors should submit at 1-2 page extended abstract by July 31st. These abstracts will undergo a single-blind peer-review process. Authors of accepted papers then should submit a full paper by October 15th for publication in the conference proceedings.
Presentation. Accepted papers will be presented as talks or posters on November 14th.
Format. Please use the provided Word or Latex templates for your abstract submission. Abstracts should be 1-2 pages, the final paper 8 pages.
Nectar Track
Besides original contributions, URAI 24 also accepts presentations of works that previously have been published in the last 18 months at other venues (AI conferences or Journals) in a new Nectar (new scientific and technical advances in research) Track.
Nectar provides a unique opportunity to present your recent work to the URAI community.
Format. All Nectar contributions will be presented as posters. Abstracts will not be part of the proceedings.
Submission. Select Nectar Track during the abstract submission and provide the abstract and link of the original publication.