Nov 13 – 14, 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone

Data augmentation for pathogen segmentation in vinewood fluorescence microscopy images

Nov 14, 2024, 2:00 PM
Poster Main Track Main Conference


In this paper, we address the problem of segmentation of pathogens within fluorescence microscopy images. To our knowledge, the quantification from such images is an original problem.
As a consequence, there is no available database to rely upon in order to use supervised machine learning techniques. In this paper, we provide a workaround by creating realistic images containing the desired filamentary pattern and variable blur effect. Numerical results show the interest of this data augmentation technique, especially on images corresponding to a difficult segmentation.

Primary author

Mrs Julie Munsch (Eiffage energie systemes et IRIMAS, Université de Haute Alsace)


Dr Sonia Ouali (IRIMAS, Université de Haute Alsace) Dr Jean-Baptiste Courbot (IRIMAS, Université de Haute Alsace) Dr Romain Pierron (LVBE Université de Haute-Alsace) Prof. Olivier Haeberlé (IRIMAS, Université de Haute Alsace)

Presentation materials