Workshop: Time management

E/411 (Campus OG - E-Bau)


Campus OG - E-Bau

Dominic Vogt, Vera Vanié (International Center)

Time- and self-management are important skills, not only during your studies, but also during your whole professional life. During the workshop, you will get to know different tools and techniques for time management, as well as how to deal with procrastination. Together with our trainer Dominic Vogt you will work out how you can implement different techniques, as well as how to plan and structure the learning process. 


The tools and techniques include:

Objectives and key results 

Brainstorming and prioritizing (e.g. with the Eisenhower matrix) 

Structuring daily learning schedules

Pomodoro technique

List and discussion about different possibilities on how to deal with procrastination

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